Plenary Lectures
Pedro M. Echenique (Donostia International
Physics Center, Spain)
David Guedj (INFSO/FET-European
Commission, Belgium)
Kostya Novoselov (Manchester Univ, UK)
Phaedon Avouris
Luigi Colombo (Texas Instruments, USA)
Philip Kim (Columbia Univ, USA)
Albert Fert (Université Paris Sud & CNRS/Thales, France)
Sumio Iijima (Meijo Univ, Japan)
Adrian Bachtold
(CIN2 (ICN-CSIC), Spain)
Alexander Balandin
(California Univ, USA)
Antonio H. Castro Neto
(National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
Yongsheng Chen
(Center for Nanoscale Science & Technology, China)
Manish Chhowalla
(Rutgers, USA)
Hyun-Jong Chung (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea)
Klaus Ensslin
(ETH, Switzerland)
Andrea Ferrari
(Cambridge Univ, UK)
Mark O. Goerbig
(CNRS / Univ Paris Sud, France)
Byung Hee Hong
(SKKU Advanced Inst of Nanotechnology, Korea)
Walt de Heer
(Georgia Technology, USA)
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Roland Kawakami
(Univ of California, USA)
Alessandra Lanzara
(Berkeley, USA)
Kian Ping Loh (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Klaus Mullen
(Max Planck Inst for Polymer Research, Germany)
Alain Pnicaud
(Univ Bordeaux-I, France)
Thomas Seyller (Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg, Germany)
Katsunori Wakabayashi
(MANA / NIMS, Japan)
Andrew Wee
(National Univ of Singapore, Singapore)
Samuel D. Bader
(Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Gianaurelio Cuniberti (TU Dresden,
Luisa De Cola (Univ Münster, Germany)
Yannick De Wilde (ESPCI, France)
Morinobu Endo
(Shinshu University, Japan)
Christian Joachim
Leo Kouwenhoven
(Technical Univ. Delft,
Francois Leonard
(Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Christopher Marrows
(Univ of Leeds, UK)
Bill Milne
(Cambridge Univ, UK)
Dirk Sander
(Max-Planck-Institut fr Mikrostrukturphysik, Germany)
Jean-Marie Devoisselle
(Univ de Montpellier/ENSCM, France)
Benoît Jouault
(Univ Montpellier 2, France)
Brahim Lounis
(Univ Bordeaux 1, France)
Nathan McClenaghan (CNRS / Univ
Bordeaux 1, France)
Thomas Plnat
(Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France)
Bertrand Raquet
(Univ de Toulouse, France)
Kazuhito Kinosita
(Waseda Univ, Japan)
Antonio Luque
(Univ Politcnica de Madrid, Spain)
Emilio Mendez
(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
Ana Moore
(Arizona Univ, USA)
Nicolas Tetreault
(EPFL, Switzerland)
Franck Artzner
(CNRS IPR, France)
Juan Bisquert (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Fernando Briones
Frédéric Favier
(CNRS ICG, France)
Alejandro A. Franco (CEA-LITEN, France)
David Fuertes Marrón
(UPM, Spain)
Christophe Lethien
(CNRS IEMN, France)
Jordi Martorell (ICFO, Spain)
Xavier Obradors
Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
(CNRS LPICM, France)
Taro Toyoda
(The Univ of Electro- Communications, Japan)
Kenneth A. Dawson
(Univ College Dublin, Ireland)
Dieter Falkenhagen
(Donau-Universitt Krems, Austria)
Massimo Fiandaca
(Univ of California, USA)
Matthew B. Francis
(UC Berkeley, USA)
Uzi Landman
(Georgia Tech, USA)
Gurutz Linazasoro
(Fundacion Inbiomed, Spain)
Andreas Manz
(KIST Europe, Germany)
Gabriel Silva
(Univ of California, USA)
Molly Stevens
(Imperial College London, UK)
Jean-Jacques Toulme
(Univ Bordeaux II, France)
Fernando Albericio
(Parc Cientific de Barcelona, Spain)
Anja Boisen
(DTU Nanotech, Denmark)
Jeff W.M. Bulte
(The Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine, USA)
Margarita Calonge
(IOBA-Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
Jonathan Cooper
(Univ of Glasgow, UK)
Marina A. Dobrovolskaia
(National Cancer Institute, USA)
Bengt Fadeel
(Institute of Environmental Medicine, Sweden)
Soledad Penades
(CIC biomaGUNE, Spain)
Danny Porath
(Hebrew Univ, Israel)
Federico Rosei
(INRS-EMT / Univ. du Quebec, Canada)
Josep Samitier
(Instituto de Bioingeneria de Cataluña (IBEC), Spain)
Kai Savolainen
(Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Augusto Silva Gonzalez
(Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas-CSIC, Spain)
Javier Aizpurua
Harry Atwater
(Caltech, USA)
Nader Engheta
(Univ of Pennsylvania, USA)
Shanhui Fan
(Stanford Univ, USA)
Chiraz Frydman
(HORIBA Scientific, France)
Harald Giessen
(Univ of Stuttgart, Germany)
Emmanuel Hadji
(CEA, France)
Evelyn Hu
(Harvard SEAS, USA)
Mitsuteru Inoue
(Toyohashi Univ of Technology, Japan)
Thomas F Krauss
(Univ of St. Andrews, UK)
Luis M. Liz-Marzan
(Universidad de Vigo, Spain)
John Pendry
(Imperial College London, UK)
Theo Rasing
(Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Alexei Tchelnokov (CEA-Leti, France)
Vasily Temnov
Paolo Vavassori
(CIC nanoGUNE Consolider, Spain)
Thierry Deutsch
(INAC CEA, France)
Jim Greer
(Tyndall University, Ireland)
Arkady Krashenninikov
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
Yoshiyuki Miyamoto
(AIST, Japan)
Pablo Ordejon
(CIN2 (CSIC-ICN), Spain)
Angel Rubio
(Univ of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain)
Catalin Spataru
(Sandia National Labs, USA)
Syogo Tejima
(RIST, Japan)
Oleg Yazyev
(University of Berkeley, USA) |
Bilbao (Spain) will host one of the largest European Events in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology from 11th until 14th of April 2011 at BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre). Extensive thematic conferences will be held in parallel and a huge industrial exhibition carried out with the latest nanotrends for the future. |
For the first time, ImagineNano will comprise in 15.000 m2 several conferences in parallel, a huge exhibition and a Social component where everyone can meet and greet Nanotechnology side by side.
ImagineNano will therefore gather global nanotechnology community, including researchers, industry policymakers, investors and plans to be a reference in Europe in the next upcoming years.
Theres no doubt that ImagineNano is the right place to see and be seen.
Contact details:
Dr. Antonio Correia
Phantoms Foundation (Spain)
Tel: +34 91 1402145

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Oscar Ahumada
(MecWins, Spain)
Ignacio Azpiazu
(HubGroup, Spain)
Andreas Berger
(nanoGUNE, Spain)
Tamara Blanco
(Airbus Operations S.L., Spain)
Maria Blazquez
(LEITAT/Inkoa, Spain)
Jean-Philippe Bourgoin
(CEA, France)
Juan Castro
(SPRI, Spain)
Jon Coreaga
(Bioftalmik, Spain)
Mª Pilar de Miguel Ortega
(CDTI, Spain)
Bernard Dieny
(Spintec, France)
Marina A. Dobrovolskaia
Alexey Dolbunov
(RusNano, Russia)
Claudio Fernandez
(Tecnan, Spain)
Juan Goicolea
(Basque Government, Spain)
Julio Gomez
(AVANZARE Innovacin Tecnolgica S.L., Spain)
Africa Gonzalez
(University of Vigo, Spain)
Antonio Hernando
(Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, Spain)
Mikel Jauregi
(Nacoalia S.L., Spain)
Jose Lagaron
(NanoBioMatters, Spain)
Kate Lestrange
Mara Jess Lpez Bosque
(The Nanotechnology Platform PCB, Spain)
Javier Maira
(CSIC, Spain)
Stefan Mende
(Netzsch, Germany)
Sergio Moya
(CIC biomaGUNE, Spain)
Frank Nouvertn
(Raith, Germany)
Khaled Karrai
(Attocube, Germany)
Emilio Prieto
(CEM, Spain)
Julio Santarn
(Tolsa S.A., Spain)
Kai Savolainen
(Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Greg Schmergel
(Nantero, USA)
Rim H.M. Stroeks
(Enterprise Europe Network Chair Micro- & Nanotechnology Group, Netherlands)
Claudio Truzzi
(Alchimer, France)
Helena Varela
(GRAnPH Nanotech/Grupo Antolin/Univ. Alicante, Spain)
Socorro Vzquez
(LEITAT/Inkoa, Spain)
Jos Vera Agullo
(ACCIONA, Spain)
Eeva Viinikka
(National Nanotechnology Cluster Programme Culminatum Innovation Ltd Oy, Finland)
Liya Wang
(CIC energiGUNE, Spain)